South Humber Bank Energy Centre Project
A Development Consent Order (DCO) was granted by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy for the South Humber Bank Energy Centre on 10 November 2021.
EP Waste Management Ltd (EPWM), a subsidiary of EP UK Investments Ltd (EPUKI), has recieved development consent for the construction, operation and maintenance of an energy from waste (‘EfW’) power station with a gross electrical output of up to 95 megawatts (MW), including an electrical connection, a new site access, and other associated development (together ‘the Proposed Development’) on land at South Humber Bank Power Station (‘SHBPS’), South Marsh Road, near Stallingborough in North East Lincolnshire (‘the Site’). The EfW power station will be known as South Humber Bank Energy Centre (SHBEC).
EPUKI acquired the SHBPS site from Centrica in 2017. The SHBPS site includes a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power station with a gross electrical output of around 1,400 MW, a cooling water pumping station and areas of undeveloped land. SHBEC will be built on undeveloped land within the boundary of the SHBPS site to the east of the CCGT power station.
EPUKI owns and operates a number of other power stations in the UK. These include Langage Power Station, a CCGT power station near Plymouth in Devon; Lynemouth Power Station, a biomass fuelled power station in Northumberland; and power generation assets in Northern Ireland. EPUKI also owns sites with consent for new CCGT power stations in Norfolk and North Yorkshire.
SHBEC will provide approximately 55 permanent jobs, create around 600 jobs during construction and be capable of operating for at least 30 years. It represents a significant investment by EPWM in North East Lincolnshire (approximately £300 million) and follows a recent major investment by EPUKI in the existing CCGT power station to extend its operational life.
April 2019 Planning Permission
Full planning permission was granted by North East Lincolnshire Council (NELC) under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 on 12th April 2019 (the ‘Planning Permission’) for the construction of an EfW power station at the Site with a gross electrical output of up to 49.9 MW (the ‘Consented Development’). A copy of the Planning Permission and the approved documents and plans can be viewed here.
EPWM is in the process of undertaking detailed design work on the Consented Development. The submission of information to discharge the planning conditions attached to the Planning Permission has already begun. EPWM anticipates commencing construction of the Consented Development during 2021.
Development Consent Order Application
After the Planning Permission was granted, EPWM assessed potential opportunities to improve the efficiency of the Consented Development and submitted proposals for an EfW power station with a gross electrical output of up to 95 MW at the Site (the ‘Proposed Development’). The Proposed Development will require some additional works at the Site (compared to those covered by the Planning Permission), however, no changes are proposed to the maximum building dimensions and fuel throughput that were approved by the Planning Permission.
As the Proposed Development would have a gross electrical output of more than 50 MW, it is classed as a ‘nationally significant infrastructure project’ (NSIP) under the Planning Act 2008, which requires development consent from the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy before it can be constructed and operated.
The documents submitted as part of the Application can be found here. These are divided into seven categories: 1.0 Application Form and related documents, 2.0 Draft Development Consent Order, 3.0 Land Information, 4.0 Plans, 5.0 Reports and Statements, 6.0 Environmental Impact Assessment Information and 7.0 Statements of Common Ground.
Document 1.2, the Application Guide, is a useful tool to identify documents of interest.
The application for development consent (the ‘Application’) was submitted on 9 April 2020, the Examination closed on 10 May 2021 and a Development Consent Order was granted on 10 November 2021.
All documents relating to the examination of the DCO application are available on the Project’s page on the Planning Inspectorate’s website here.
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